Plans for the Flying Cloud


              The following is a list of plans I have found for the Flying Cloud.  There are significant differences between almost all sets of plans, likely because there is no evidence that original plans were produced and different generations of ship modelers have guessed at how the ship was laid out.  The one exception is [P-McKay] which may be the most accurate representation of the lines of the ship.



[P-Bradner 2018] My own plans for the Flying Cloud, a work in progress


The Horace E. Boucher Manufacturing Company built of two of the models listed in the models reference. They published multiple sets of plans for the Flying Cloud before they went out of business.


[P-Boucher 1928] Flying Cloud plan, 1928 - blue prints. Marked ÒBoucher, Inc.  415 Madison Ave, N.Y.C, C.G. Davis 1928Ó

Hull, Deck and Lines - Same deck layout as [M-Boucher 1916] except aft companionway faces forward and shows boats over aft hatch

Rigging plan - blue prints


[P-Boucher 1929] No draftsperson listed. Flying Cloud plan. No date. Marked "Boucher Ship Models, New York NY". The Boucher company was located in New York in the 1920s so I'm using a date of 1929 as a guess.

Hull, Deck and Lines – black line print - identical to [P-Boucher 1928] Hull, Deck and Lines except for the title block


[P-Boucher 1939] No draftsperson listed. Flying Cloud plan. Marked "Copyright 1939 by Boucher Playthings Mfg. Corp."

Hull deck and lines – almost identical to [P-Boucher 1928] Hull, Deck and Lines

Rigging Plan – [P-Boucher 1928] Rigging Plan with pin plan, looking forward plan of topsail halliard and notes about rigging and painting added


[P-Boucher 1943] No draftsperson listed. Flying Cloud plan. Marked "Rigging plan marked redrawn 1943."  Essentially the same as [P-Boucher 1939]

Hull deck and lines identical to [P-Boucher 1928] Hull, Deck and Lines

Rigging Plan - identical to [P-Boucher 1939] Rigging Plans


BlueJacket Shipcrafters is the successor to the Horace E. Boucher Manufacturing Company.


[P-Bluejacket 1940] No draftsperson listed. Flying Cloud plan. Plan marked "Bluejacket Shipcrafters - S. Norwalk. CT." No date. Bluejacket was located in S. Norwalk CT in the 1930s & '40s so I'm using a date of 1940 as a guess.

Rigging Plan - copied from [Boucher 1939] or an earlier version of this plan.


[P-Bluejacket 1974] A. Montgomery, Flying Cloud plan, 1974,

Deck and Hull Plan - labeled as traced from [P-Boucher 1928] with additions by A. Montgomery.  Additions include cross sections and deck furniture details.

Sail Plan - labeled traced & additions made by A. Montgomery 7.25.74

Rigging Plan - identical to [P-Boucher 1928] Rigging Plan


[P-Bluejacket 1986] "RBR" for BlueJacket Shipcrafters, Flying Cloud plan, 1986.  This set is completely new.

Hull & Deck Plan - shows skylight in front of mizzen mast, aft companionway faces aft, no capstans on poop deck, no companionway in front of poop deck, no boats over where that companionway would have been, midship gangway both sides, 3 EmersonÕs ventilators, air ports  under poop deck & focsle 

Spars and Rigging -

Miscellaneous - mast & yard dimensions, notes on colors, pin layout. sail plan


[P-Crothers 1997] William L. Crothers, The American-Built Clipper Ship 1850-1856.

Cross section - based on [McLean FC] - page 99

Cross section - based on [Hall 1883] - page 100

Deck Plan - page 394


[P-Douglas 1919] George B. Douglas, Auxiliary Clipper Ships, The Rudder, Volume 35 - 1919, pages 531-533.

Sail Plan

Lines - appear to be redrawn from [P-McKay 1860] or [P-Hall 1884]


[P-Fisher 1934] A. J. Fisher, Inc. Royal Oak, MI - Flying Cloud plans, no date - likely about 1934 (there is an ad for Fisher plans for the Flying Cloud in the December 1934 issue of Popular Science).


Hull & Deck Layout - looks copied from [P-Boucher 1928] Hull, Deck and Lines

Details Deck Fittings - deck furniture & boat details

General Rigging - standing and running rigging, line details

Pin Plan & Misc - simple pin plan, topsail halliard, spanker boom etc

Masts & Spars - mast and spar dimensions


[P-Hall 1884] Henry Hall, Report on the ship-building industry of the United States, 1884

Lines - appear to be redrawn from [McKay]


[P-Lane 1992] drawings from [Lion 1992]

Forecastle & Deck House p24

Passenger/Officer's Cabin p25


[P-MacGregor 1993] David MacGregor, British & American Clippers (1993)

Lines - appear to be redrawn from [P-McKay 1860] or [P-Hall 1884]

Sail Plan


[P-Magoun 1926] F. Alexander Magoun, Flying Cloud plans, 1926. Available from the MIT Museum and in [D-Magoun]

Hull: Lines, Body & Sheer - appear to be redrawn from [P-McKay 1860]

Profile and Deck  - same deck layout as [M-Boucher 1916]

Sail Plan

Details - capstan, pump, mast details, halliards, some pin details, bowsprit rigging


[P-Mamoli 1987] Mamoli, Flying Cloud plans, 1987. The plans that come with the Mamoli Flying Cloud kit

Building the Hull #1 - framing and general planking

Building the Hull #2 - pin rails, focsle, plating

Deck Furniture & rudder

Masts and Shrouds

Running Rigging #1 - pin map, jib lines, stays & backstays, bowsprit rigging

Running Rigging #2 - pin map & lifts

Running Rigging #3 - pin map & yard control lines

Overall Plan - hull, standing & running rigging

Deck, Masts & Yards - - same deck layout as [M-Boucher 1916], mast & yard block details

Framing - drawings of framing parts, masts & years dimensions


[P-McKay 1860] Mary McKay, Flying Cloud plan, no date, Available from the MIT Museum. [Lane 1982] speculates that this plan may have been drawn in the  late1850s or early 1860s by Donald McKay's second wife Mary using information in her husband's files.

Hull lines, calculations and sail plan


[P-Popular Mechanics-orig] Popular Mechanics, Flying Cloud plans, unknown date

                  Lines - carving guide for hull

                  Hull & Deck - same deck layout as [P-Boucher 1928] Hull Deck & Lines

                  Hull construction for solid carved hull

                  General Rigging Plan - simplified standing and running rigging


[P-Popular Mechanics 1928] Popular Mechanics, Flying Cloud plans, 1928. Also a series of articles by James Tate in the magazine - same deck layout as [P-Boucher 1928] Hull Deck & Lines

Lines & Sheer #1 - bow

Lines & Sheer #2 - stern

Deck & Deck Furniture  #1 - overall deck view, furniture details

Deck & Deck Furniture  #2 - aft deck

Deck & Deck Furniture  #3 - forward deck

Rigging #1 - rigging details

Rigging #2 - mast & yard measurements, standing and running rigging


[P-Sterling] Sterling Models, Philadelphia, PA

Hull, Deck & Rigging Plan - same deck plan as [P-Boucher 1928] with added boat on poop deck before mizzen mast and aft companionway facing aft, construction details for hull

Masts, yards and rigging details - step by step rigging instructions


[P-Tate] James Tate, "Build This Model of Flying Cloud", (no date) 48-page booklet of Tate's Popular Mechanics articles. Includes many detail drawings.


[P-White 1933] W. A. White, Flying Cloud plans, 1933/34. Available from the MIT Museum

Deck Plan - Same deck layout as [M-Boucher 1916], ads spare spars and spare topmast, deck furniture out of proportion


Lines and Offsets

Rigging Plan, masts, spars, sails, standing rigging, braces, sheets and lifts

Transverse Rigging Plan, showing masts & spars, standing rigging and yard halyards

Transverse Rigging Plan, running rigging

Transverse Rigging Plan, showing stunsl's, stunsl booms and rigging

