Other material of
These documents
do not directly mention the Flying Cloud directly
but may be of use because they describe contemporary clipper ships, their
operation or equipment used on them.
George Biddlecombe, The
Art of Rigging, Norie & Wilson 1848 (republished with corrections
1925 by Marine Research Society).
Contemporary document describing the details of rigging sailing
ships. Many detailed illustrations.
William Brady, The Kedge Anchor
or, the young SailorsÕ Assistant. 1849. Contemporary document describing the details of operating a
sailing ship.
I.R. Butts, The
Art of Sailmaking, 1860.
Contemporary document describing the manufacture of sails for sailing
George Campbell, China Tea Clippers,
International Marine Publishing 1974. Details of the construction of wooden and
iron clipper ships.
2013] William L. Crothers, American-Built Packets and Freighters of the 1850s: An Illustrated
Study of their Characteristics and Construction, McFarland & Co. 2013.
Lots of details about the construction of sailing ships in the 1850s.
2014] William L. Crothers, The Masting of American Merchant Sail in the 1850s, 2914. Details of the design and construction
of clipper ship masts, yards and bowsprits.
Richard Henry Dana, Two Years Before the Mast, 1840. A
good narrative of how sailing ships were operated in the mid 1830s.
Charled W. Domville-Fife editor Square Rigger Days: Autobiographies of Sail,
origal published in 1938, updated and republished in 2007 by Seaforth Publishing. Stories and photographs from the days
of sail.
Frederick Emerson, Ejecting Ventilator
- US Patent No. 5,182, 3
July, 1847. Ventilator used on the Flying
Frederick Emerson, Injecting Ventilator - US Patent No. 5,183, 3 July,
1847. Ventilator used on the Flying Cloud.
Frederick Emerson, Ventilating Ships
- US Patent No. 5,842,
October 10, 1848. A description of how to use the Emerson injecting and
ejecting ventilators on ships.
Ben Lankford, Instruction Manual, The American Clipper Ship Flying
Fish, Model Shipways 1994. Instructions for building a model of
the McKay ship Flying Fish. Many
details of contemporary clipper ships were identical so that new crewmembers
would know how to operate the ship.
Companion to a very detailed multi colored set of plans of the Flying Fish
with excellent information about the rigging, which would likely have been
essentially the same as the rigging used on the Flying Cloud. .
1-1987] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of the Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships, Part
I, Nautical Research Journal, June 1987, Volume 32, pages 95-101.
9-1990] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 9:
Chain Pipes and Chain Lockers, Nautical Research Journal, December
1990, Volume 35, pages 191-194.
10-1991] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 10:
The Ventilation Problem, September 1991, Volume 36, pages 123-130.
11-1992] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 11:
Early Hold Ventilators, Nautical Research Journal, June 1992,
Volume 37, pages 96-100.
12-1992] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 12
Emerson's Injecting and Ejecting Ventilators, Nautical Research
Journal, September 1992, Volume 37, pages 174-180.
13-1993] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 13:
Emerson's Corresponding Ventilators, Nautical Research Journal,
September 1993, Volume 38, pages 163-170.
14-1994] Robert C. and Grisel M. Leavitt, The
Deck Furniture and Machinery of Large Mid-19th Century Sailing Ships - part 14:
Side Ventilators, Nautical Research Journal, December 1994, Volume
39, pages 224-229.
Darcy Lever, The
Young Sea OfficerÕs Sheet Anchor, Thomas Gill 1853. Contemporary document describing
the details of operating a sailing ship.
David R. MacGregor, Fast Sailing Ships: Their Design and Construction, 1775-1875, Naval
Institute Press 1973. Photos
drawings and paintings of many types of sailing ships.
BE-1852] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Bald Eagle, of Boston, The Boston
Daily Atlas, November 17, 1852. Article on the launching and
details of the McKay ship Bald Eagle.
CP-1854] Duncan McLean, The New Packet Ship Commodore Perry, The Boston
Daily Atlas, September 30, 1854. Article on the launching and
details of the McKay ship Commodore Perry.
CS-1854] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Champion of the Seas,
The Boston Daily Atlas, May 20,
1854. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Champion of the Seas.
DM-1855] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Donald M'Kay - Of Liverpool,
The Boston Daily Atlas,
February 6, 1855. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Donald M'Kay.
FF-1851] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Flying Fish, of Boston,
The Boston Daily Atlas,
November 4, 1851. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Flying Fish.
GR-1853] Duncan McLean, Description of the largest ship in the world: the new
clipper Great Republic, of Boston. Designed, built and owned by Donald McKay, and
commanded by Capt. L. McKay. With illustrated designs of her construction,
Eastburn's Press, 853. Pamphlet on the launching and details of the McKay ship Great Republic, includes 6 sheets of plans.
JB-1854] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship James Baine, The Boston Daily Atlas, September 1,
1854. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship James Baine.
L-1854] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Lightning, of Liverpool,
The Boston Daily Atlas, January
31, 1854. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Lightning.
RS-1853] Duncan McLean, The
New Clipper ship Romance of the Sea, of Boston, The Boston Daily Atlas, November 8, 1853.
Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Romance of the Sea.
S-1851] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Packet Ship Staffordshire,
The Boston Daily Atlas, July
21, 1851. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Staffordshire.
SH-1850] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Stag Hound, The Boston Daily Atlas, December 21,
1850. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Stag Hound.
SS-1852] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Sovereign-of-the-Seas, of Boston,
The Boston Daily Atlas, June
19th, 1852. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Sovereign of the Seas.
WH-1852] Duncan McLean, The New Clipper Ship Westward Ho! of Boston,
The Boston Daily Atlas,
September 21, 1852. Article on the launching and details of the McKay ship Westward Ho!.
[D-Murphy-1849] John McLeod Murphy and
W.N. Jeffers, Nautical Routine and
Stowage: With Short Rules in Navigation. Henry Spear 1849. General book
on mid-1800s sailing ships with a very good section on Spars and Rigging (also published
as a separate book).
Heinrich Paasch, Illustrated marine encyclopedia,
1890. This book is the source of some of the illustrations of details in the
Magoun plans.
Frederick Perry, Fair
Winds & Foul, 1925. A narrative of daily life aboard an
American clipper ship.
Jesse Reed, Steering Apparatus,
US Patent No. 6,507. [Lane
1967] concludes that this was the steering apparatus initially used on the Flying Cloud.
Abraham Rees, The
Cyclopaedia, Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, Volume
30 good descriptions of ships rigging (pages 267-280 of the pdf) and
rope making (pages 532-552 of the pdf).
Abraham Rees,
The Cyclopaedia, Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature,
Volume 4 - plates illustrations for the Cyclopaeda.
Erik A.R. Ronnberg, Jr., Paint and Colors
for American Merchant Vessels, 1800-1920: Their Study and Interpretation for
Modelmaking, Nautical Research Journal, December 1991, Volume 36,
pages 202-208 and plates I-VI.
A book of pencil sketches by Marina L. Sargent in the Peabody Essex Museum. One
sketch is published in [D-Brewington] page 326 titled "Looking Forward from the House"
drawing from 1879 or 1880. From the point of view of a passenger on the aft
house of the sailing ship Ice King looking forward -- showing
the main mast, main house, starboard rail and a spare yard. Other sketches
include details of the end of the main yard. Note from AskArt: "Married to a ship's captain, Marina Sargent sailed from Boston to
Indonesia and kept a small journal of sketches of the voyage, which she later
converted to larger marine drawings."
Charles R. Schultz, Life on Board American Clipper Ships, Texas A&M Sea Grant College
Program 1983. Description of life
on a clipper ship.
David Steel, The
Art of Making Yards, Gaffs, Booms, Blocks, and Oars as Practiced in the Royal
Navy and According to the Most Approved Methods in the Merchant-Service,
1797. Volume I of The Elements and
Practice of Rigging, Seamanship, and Naval Tactics. Good descriptions of
shipmaking practices in the late 1700s, many of the same practices were still
in use when the Flying
Cloud was built.
David Steel, The
Art of Sail-Making as Practiced in the Royal Navy and according to the Most
Approved Methods in the Merchant Service, 1796. Volume II
of The
Elements and Practice of Rigging, Seamanship, and Naval Tactics. (link to
4th edition - 1843) Good descriptions of Sailmaking practices in the late
1700s, many of the same practices were still in use when the Flying Cloud
was built.
David Steel, The
Art of Rigging Containing an Alphabetical Explanation of the Terms, Directions
for the Most Minute Operations and the Method of Progressive Rigging.
1806. Volume III of The Elements and
Practice of Rigging, Seamanship, and Naval Tactics. Good descriptions of
Rigging practices in the late 1700s, many of the same practices were still in
use when the Flying
Cloud was built.
Harold A. Underhill, Sailing Ship Rigs & Rigging. Brown, Son & Ferguson,
Ltd. 1938 (reprinted 1969) Short
book that covers the rigs of many types of sailing ships including clipper
Harold A. Underhill, Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship & Ocean Carrier, Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd. 1946
(reprinted 1988). Many useful
details on the rigging of clipper ships.