Hacks on a Sherline Lathe


I have been a happy user of an 8-inch Sherline lathe for many years.  I used the lathe mostly as it was when it arrived from Sherline. The only thing I added to the lathe itself was a digital read out system (DRO).


When I got the new lathe, I decided to add a number of features including a 2 axis DRO, X-axis power feed, tachometer, and a stepper motor drive for the spindle. 


These additions involved adding two stepper motors with associated pulleys and belts, a control panel with two switches and 3 display modules, a box full of electronics, DRO sensors and displays, a power supply, a hall effect sensor, and a hollow base. See the following separate articles on each of the additions.


Here is a description, and some photos, of the result of the hacks that depend on electricity.


Lathe from the end


Figure 1 shows the lathe from the end.  At the bottom you can see the lathe base made up of a ½” sheet of furniture grade plywood with strips of ¾” plywood glued to it along the edges so that there is a ¾ inch high hollow under the ½ inch plywood.  The bed is 27 ½ inches wide by 10 inches deep and is protected with a few layers of polyurethane. 


The two stepper motors are to the left.  The lower one is for the power feed and is tied to the lead screw with the lower pair of pulleys and a belt. Hiding under the lead screw pulley is the hall effect sensor for the tachometer. Just to the right is the handle that is used to engage the power feed.  The upper stepper motor is for the lathe drive and is tied to the headstock spindle with the upper pair of pulleys and a belt.  To the left at the back is the side of the electronics box. At the top is the back of the display for the X axis DRO.  At the left you can see the thin black cord to the power supply for the DRO display.



Figure 1: Lathe from head end



Lathe from the front


Figure 2 shows the lathe from the front. As with Figure 1, at the bottom is the hollow base.  You can see the three display modules and the two switches under the lathe bed. Starting from the right, you can see the spindle motor switch. It is a three position (ON-OFF-ON) switch with a vertical orientation. The spindle motor is off if the switch is in the center position. If the switch is up the spindle turns in the direction that the spindle turns with the Sherline motor and control. Turning the switch down causes the spindle to turn in the reverse direction. 


To the left of the switch is the pulse generator, which controls the speed of the stepper motor.


To the left of the spindle motor pulse generator is the display for the tachometer.  To the left of the tachometer display is the switch for the power feed.  It is a three position ( (ON)-OFF-(ON) ) switch arranged in a horizontal orientation.  Pushing the switch to the right causes the lathe saddle to move right, pushing the switch to the left causes the saddle to move left.  The switch is a momentary one so you have to hold the switch to keep the saddle moving.  To the left of the power feed switch is the power feed pulse generator that controls the speed of the saddle movement.  To the left is the pedestal for the headend of the lathe. On the front of the pedestal, you can see the engagement lever that enables the power feed.  The power feed is disengaged if the lever is to the left and engaged if the lever is to the right.  On the left side of the pedestal, you can see the hall effect sensor for the tachometer.



Figure 2: lathe from front


Control panel holding bracket


Figure 3 shows a section of the bracket I used to hold the switches and control panels.  The bracket is made from a 1 ½ x 1 ½ x 1/16 aluminum angle.  The 1 ½ height just clears the saddle nut that connects the saddle to the lead screw.  Note that you need to cut the top lip from the bezel on the pulse generator and tachometer display modules to keep them under 1 ½ inches high.  (See figure 4.)  Note that if you have installed the Sherline Lathe Leadscrew Backlash Lock Upgrade you have to position the bracket further back on  the base to clear the adjustment lever.


The cutouts in the front of the bracket are just wide enough for the modules to be inserted while allowing the wings on the module to grip the opening.  The width of the opening for the pulse generators is not the same as the width of the opening for the tachometer display.  Note that you need to make a notch in the bottom of the bracket to clear the wires connecting the pulse generator modules to the electronics box.  I painted the bracket black so that it would blend into the lathe color scheme. (See figure 2.)



Figure 3


The holes in the vertical part of the bracket to the right of figure 3 are for a switch.  The lower and bigger hole is for the switch stem and the smaller hole above it is for the anti-rotation washer.  To the left of the switch holes, you can see the opening for a pulse generator and, to the left of that, part of the opening for the tachometer display.  You can also see the cutout on the base of the bracket for the wires to and from the pulse generator.  The same kind of cutout is not needed for the tachometer display because of the way the wired run.


I drilled #33 holes in the bracket and corresponding #43 holes in the lathe base.  I tapped the holes in the base for 4-40 screws. I used 3/8 4-40 pan head screws to hold the bracket to the lathe base.


Cables from the controls and switches to the electronics box.


A cable is needed between each of the switches and between each of the pulse generators and the electronics box.  In addition, the flat cable for the tachometer display must be routed to a hole next to the base in order to connect to the cable from the hall effect sensor under the base. If left as-is, the cables would create a major shaving and chip trap and make the lathe very hard to clean.  See figure 4 which shows the connecting cables.  Figure 4 also shows some wood blocks I added to support a plastic shield to cover up the wires.



Figure 4: lathe top view showing cables to controls


Figure 5 shows the same view as figure 4 after the plastic shield has been installed.



Figure 5: lathe top view showing chip shield over cables



I used wide electrical tape to cover the cables from the power feed pulse generator and power feed switch to where they would be covered by the plastic shield.  I used some 5 minute epoxy to fix the pulse generator modules and the tachometer display module to the bracket after they were installed so that they would not loosen and interfere with the saddle nut.  Note that the cables between the stepper motors and the electronics box, the cable for the DRO and the cable for the tachometer all run in the hollow under the lathe base in order to keep the area behind the lathe clear and easier to clean. See figure 7.


Lathe from back


Figure 6 shows the lathe from the back. At the left you can see the box for the electronics.  In the center you can see the sensor for the X axis DRO and its cable, which goes under the base. On the right you can see the two stepper motors, one above the other.  The lower stepper motor is for the power feed and the upper one drives the spindle.  You can also see the ventilation holes I cut into the electronics box.  The ventilation holes are protected by fine stainless steel mesh that I secured to the inside of the box with 5 minute epoxy.




Figure 6: lathe from back



Lathe from bottom


Figure 7 shows the lathe from the bottom. The figure shows the hollow base and shows the wires in the base.  I ran the wires in the hollow base to keep the area around the lathe as clear as possible of anything that could trap shavings and chips generated but the lathe during its operation.  It also shows the four 25/32 inch high rubber feet.  The feet provide a more stable footing than the plywood edge does but do not leave a big gap under the base for things to get lost in. 


The lathe is bolted to the base using the four ¼-20 bolts that Sherline uses to secure the lathe during shipping, they can be seen to the left & right in the lower third of the picture.  The large holes near the mounting bolts are to provide access to the captive bolts that are used to secure the lathe bed to the pedestals on the machined base.


The terminal junction block in the left of center is for the tachometer wiring.  The green cable at the very top is the cable for the power feed stepper motor.  The silver connector in the center is for the cable to the spindle drive stepper motor and the black connector above it is for the cable for the encoder on that motor. The other wire is for the Y axis DRO.



Figure 7: view under lathe base


Electronics box.


Figure 8 shows the inside of the electronics box.  At the left you can see the CL57T Closed-loop Stepper Driver that I used to control the spindle drive stepper motor.  At the right you can see the TB6600 Microstep Driver that I used to control the power feed stepper motor.  In the center you can see the two relay modules used to invert the enable signals from the control switches.  At the lower left you can see the 4-lug terminal strip I used to terminate the cable from the power supply.   Note that I used a nylon screw and nylon washers to make sure that there was no voltage leakage from the power supply to the electronics box. You cannot see it, but I used thermal grease between the stepper motor control modules and the aluminum case to help with heat dissipation, even though the modules do run quite cool.


As a test, I ran the lathe with the spindle drive stepper motor running at 500 RPM for 5 hours after which the temperature of the motor was 10 degrees above the temperature of the crosslide, which I used as a reference. The temperature of the electronics box was 2 degrees above the temperature of the crosslide.  I then upped the speed to 1,000 RPM and checked the temperatures after 2 hours of running. The motor was 27 degrees above the temperature of the crosslide and the electronics box was 4 degrees above the temperature of the crosslide.  These are not temperatures that should cause any worry.


I drilled holes through the plywood lathe base and through the bottom of the electronics box for the cables from the stepper motors and for the power leads for the tachometer.  I also drilled holes along the bottom front edge of the box for the cables from the control switches and pulse generator modules.




Figure 8: lathe electronics box


Power supply


The stepper motor drivers and the tachometer need 24 vdc while the relay modules and the control signals for the drivers require 5 vdc.  I got a 24 vdc power supply and a 24 vdc to 5 vdc converter module.  I attached the converter to the side of the supply with 2-sided foam tape and wired the converter inputs to the power supply.  Then I wired both the power supply and converter outputs to a 4-pin connector. I wired a matching connector to a cable that I then ran to the electronics box.  I plugged the power supply into a switched circuit so I could turn the lathe on and off. Finally, I attached the power supply to the side of the tool chest that servers as a base for the lathe with a pair of angle brackets and some cable ties. See figure 9.



Figure 9: power supply attached to tool chest



Parts list


The parts for the individual additions are listed in the articles describing them.  The parts list here covers the common elements described in this article.  I’ve included links for the parts at Amazon.  The same parts are available from other suppliers if you would rather not use Amazon.


Power supply – 24 vdc 25 amps

24 vdc to 5 vdc converter 3 amp

Control module holding bracket - 1.5 x 1.5 x .062 aluminum angle

Electronics box - 8.75" L x 5.74" W x 2.25" H

Stainless Steel Mesh – 120 mesh

Rubber feet - 25/32" High

Terminal strip – 4 lug

Terminal junction block - 6 pole

Power supply cable – 4 strand 18 GA

Power cord – 3 strand

Cable to switches & control modules – 4 strand 26 AWG

         Amazon sold out – substitute 6 strand


Copyright Ó 2024 Scott Bradner
