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Unwanted vocalizations
By Scott
Why do so
many people think that computer users like their computers to make noise? Computer users are bombarded with
un-requested noise from the time they turn their computers on to when they turn
them off. Why can't we get quiet
by default?
I don’t
remember the last big meeting I was at where at least one Windows machine did
not play the startup "Ode to Bill" at some point, usually in the
middle of someone making an important point. I realize that it is useful to have some indication that
your machine is coming to life but why does it have to be so loud by default
and so long? Maybe Microsoft sees
it as some sort of an advertisement to lure others to adopt Windows but mostly
what it means to me is that few people trust the system enough to do anything
other than shut it fully down in between uses -- hardly an advertisement. (In comparison, almost all Mac users
just put their machines to sleep and wake them up silently when its time to use
them again.)
And why do
systems, Macs included, think you want to sound like you are playing a video
game when you are editing a file?
You get noises each time you hit a key, change text, delete a file, etc. I could understand the attractiveness
of this sort of thing if the user is about 5 years old but it quickly just
becomes an annoyance to the person next to you on the plane.
This sound
pollution problem is not limited to operating systems and applications --the
people who design web pages have continued their fascination with form over
substance that started with imposing inescapable dancing Flash graphics on
anyone that just wants to visit a web site to get some useful information. More and more web sites now imitate
boom boxes or yell at you when you mistakenly assume that they might be more
concerned with content than sizzle.
Looking for a
recipe for Guinness Beef Stew? If
so go to the GeoCities site for Napa Valley and you get Irish (I think) music
to read the recipe by. ( If you miss the self introduction that
Johnny Cash issued on many an album and at all concerts go to his web site and
you get blasted with it at full volume.
( If you want to catch up on the NASA Mars rovers by going to
the NASA web site (and skipping by the pretty but time consuming Flash
Animation) you get personally greeted by the voice of NASA Administrator Sean
O'Keefe, who seems to have far more ego than sense. ( In addition, if you leave the web page
open, I guess Sean gets lonely because he greets you again and again. These are only three of hundreds of
sites I've bumped into that for reasons that elude me want to make it clear to
everyone in the neighborhood that you have reached their site. This is in addition to the growing
number of sites where you get bombarded with sound augmented ads.
Of course,
you run into these idiot sites most often when you are in a meeting pretending
to listen to your boss, or some other presenter, impart what passes for
wisdom. This is not a good
way for a web site to endear itself to visitors.
I do not mind
operating systems where you can turn on sound effects with a configuration
screen or sites that include an "annoy me with sound" button but in
my opinion computers and the web should not speak unless requested to.
disclaimer: Students, on the other hand, have to
figure out that it can be important to speak unbidden -- at least sometimes --
thus, the above plea for silence is mine and not the University's.