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An unhealthy
By Scott Bradner
Network World, 02/19/01
held a hearing on the Internet on Feb. 8. Such a hearing is hardly a unique
occurrence, but in this case, it is symptomatic of a growing problem.
particular hearing was held by the House Telecommunications Subcommittee and
was in response to the creation of new top-level Internet domains by the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
As an
aside, the press coverage on this demonstrates why the press is held in such
high regard - not! The Wall Street Journal called ICANN "the Internet
Council for assigned Names and Numbers" and The New York Times insists, in
an example of its "we know better than you" attitude, on spelling
ICANN as "Icann."
The problem with this hearing is that
ICANN was specifically set up as a nongovernmental way to manage some of the
mostly technical aspects of the Internet. ICANN's board members are from around
the world, and its mandate is international. The Internet that ICANN deals with
is international.
Yet the U.S. Congress, and other parts of the U.S.
government, insists on treating the Internet and ICANN as being under U.S.
jurisdiction. I don't want to debate ICANN's virtues or lack of them but I am
worried about the example being set and the attitude being legitimized.
U.S. Congress holding this hearing is no better than a French court forcing
Yahoo to censor what material it offers over the Internet or an Italian court
claiming jurisdiction over the entire Internet, both of which have happened in
the past few months.
It's one thing for a country to tell its citizens
they are not permitted to go, for example, to the CNN Web site because it
includes information that disagrees with some government position, and to try
to block access to the site by insisting that filters be placed on its
international Internet links. It's altogether something different to claim that
a government has the right to force CNN to close down when the CNN Web site is
not in that government's country.
The Wall Street Journal says
Congress is "unlikely to reverse ICANN Internet names." Based on the
reports, some House members clearly think they could if they wanted to. Because
ICANN is based in the U.S., I expect that these Congressmen could force ICANN
to capitulate. But it would be extraordinarily shortsighted for Congress to do
such a thing.
The U.S. Congress would just show the rest of the world
that an individual country should be able to claim authority over the Internet.
Having 280 countries follow this lead and pass conflicting regulations would be
very bad for anyone trying to use or do business on the Internet. That's a
tension we can do without. The best example that Congress can set is to keep
its hands off.
Disclaimer: Luckily, Harvard does not have much
salutatory authority because some Harvard people would otherwise exercise it.
But the above suggestion is mine, not Harvard's.
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