It's not your father's Oldsmobile
By Scott Bradner
Network World, 06/21/99
According to a University of Texas study sponsored by Cisco, the
Internet industry is now almost as big as the U.S. auto industry.
The study shows that the Internet industry generates $301 billion
per year in revenue, while the U.S. auto industry accounts for
$350 billion in revenue per year.
The Internet business is growing like crazy and has already
reached a size at which its health is quite important to the
overall U.S. economic health. And all this without a commensurate
impact on global warming.
The study (at
contains many data points and factoids, including the assertion
that there are seven new Internet users every second. In all,
this is a study well worth reviewing. But I wonder what the
study's findings mean for the 'Net - could the 'Net be too big to
Ever since the beginning, the Internet has had the good type of
government help. Governments, including those from the U.S.,
Canada and other nations, have provided funds to support the
basic research that has led to datagram networks, the TCP/IP
protocols, routing protocols and many of the basic Internet
applications. Governments have also funded proof-of-concept
networks, including the ARPANET and NSFnet. This support has been
vital in getting us to where we are now in the Internet business.
But there is another type of government help that is not quite so
helpful. ("I'm from the government, and I'm here to
help.") I've already begun to hear from people in the U.S.
government who want to help the Internet community understand the
importance of the Internet. These people point out that with the
convergence of the Internet and telephone networks, the Internet
needs to be as reliable as the phone system has been. And, they
point out, we all know it has been government oversight that has
made the phone
system so reliable and innovative.
I'm almost sad to see this report in spite of how well it proves
the views of some of us that this Internet thing was going to be
big - we were Internet before Internet was cool. But I'm afraid
the report will attract too much attention, and we will get more
government help than is healthy for the 'Net.
Government help usually comes with government regulations and
reporting requirements. Generally, such regulations have been
worked out in a political rather than a technical arena.
(Note: I would like to see some regulations, such as ones that
protect privacy. I'm not blindly against all government
On the other hand, there is an upside. This report will keep the
venture capitalists throwing money at just about anyone who knows
how to spell TCP/IP or Internet. Some of these new companies
actually have some good stuff coming along - some of them even
have something more concrete than the set of slides used to close
their first round of venture funding.
Disclaimer: There is concrete at Harvard, but it's mostly hidden
by brick. The above is my fear of help.