Network World columns
"Edited" for the version that ran in the paper.
The privacy issues of tracking people.
The impact of the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Service on PTTs
Fake colleges on the Internet.
The press still thinks the phone companies will bring us the Internet
Internet self-governance
Do regulatory bodies represent the people?
Unreliable projections of technology deployment.
The use of biometrics in identifing individuals.
The logic of a tax-free Internet
Charging for Internet telephone by the minute is silly.
How can you measure the traffic on the Internet?
The non-importance of token ring.
SPAM as a social disease.
The non-impact of technical reality on Washington rulemaking.
Take care with electronic records.
Protecting yourself against smerf attacks.
Just who did write that scientific article?
Internet QoS as a threat to society.
The silly way that phone numbers are assigned.
A hope for Ethernet-based Internet access in hotel rooms.
The Internet as seen by phone companies.
The US Government's attempt to have the Internet govern the Internet.
Sprint's ION service pricing.
Quality in Internet telephony is up to the buyer.
"IP" and "Cisco" as magic terms in data networking.
Bob Dylan's web site.
Does Saber sell passenger names before they travel?
Will the technical community be involved in Internet management?
A tail of BBN, the company that helped create the Internet.
The lesson of the Automotive Network Exchange.
Telco assumptions of network reliability vs Internet design.
Internet vs telephone network architectures.
Wanting to control the IETF.
The lighthouse at the end of the world & ATM ABR.
Cooperation between the IETF & the ITU.
The U.S. House of Representatives cluelesness about the Internet.
The need for government support of basic research.
Is IP telephony economically rational?
Putting the Internet on a chip.
On the death of Jon Postel.
Preserving an Internet snapshot.
Deployment problems with digital subscriber line.
Does Microsoft want complex standards as a barrier to others?
Review of "ISP Survival Guide".
The U.S. government is being a wimp on Internet privacy.
The role of government in IT standards.
Reaction to Mark Gibbs's column on ICANN
Cooperation between the IETF and other standards bodies.