Flying Cloud measurements


Data from Henry Hall, Notebooks for shipbuilding in the United States, 1881-1883 - Volume II, Models and Measurements, dated March 24, 1883 - Courtesy of Penobscot Marine Museum (MS 408)


Transcribed by Scott Bradner, comments to


The notebooks contain measurements for 17 of Donald McKay's ships, I have included only the column of measurements for the Flying Cloud here.  I have noted words that I could not read with square brackets.  ( [] )


Scantling of Donald McKay Ships


Flying Cloud


Oak and Rock Maple





In 2 pieces vertically, with shoe. Sided.



Moulding of upper piece, lower piece and shoe


20", 14", 4½"

Length of scarfs [??] & [??] thickness of each


12', 5", 4"

Copper bolts, number & length .1"


10 + 4 [??]


Upper & lower pieces fastened by 1" to 11/8" copper.



Shoe fastened with combination bolts and treenails.



White oak, timber sided


Moulding at head and foot [??].


20" & 26"

No. of pieces and length of scarfs .


2, 7'

No. of Bolts & diameter

Stem Bolted to Keel with 6 or 8 copper 1" to 11/8"


False Stem or Gripe

White Oak.


Siding tapered on front edge to:

Fastened to stem with bolts of copper and iron

4" to 5"

Diameter & distance apart.


1¼, 2 to 4'


White Oak


Siding at keel and top.


16", 20"

Moulding at head and foot.


19", 21"

No. of & diameter of copper bolts to keel


16, 1¼"


Sided same as keel & bolted with copper and Iron, 1¼ diameter.



Stern and stem frames fastened with 1¼ and 11/8 bolts.








Siding of Floors


12" to 14"

Siding of 1st futtocks


12" to 14"

Siding of 2nd futtocks.


11" to 13"

Siding of top timbers at plank sheer



Siding of stanchions at rail.




Each shift dimensioned from 2nd futtocks


Moulding over the Keel.



Moulding at turn of bilge.


10 ½"

Moulding at lower, middle and upper decks.


9", 7"

Moulding at the rail.




Regular taper between these points.


Length of floors and short floors amid ships.


16' to 17'

Shift of floors and futtocks 

not less than

5½" to 7"

Shift of futtocks and top timbers

not less than

6" to 8"


Timbers of frame laid closely together


Frame Bolts



Number in each futtock


7 to 4

Diameter in bottom and top of ship.


11/8", 1"


Horizontal keys between the frames at every butt, driven from inside to within 2" of the planking, to prevent hogging.

5" thick


Every 2nd floor bolted to the keel with from 1" to 11/8" or 1 ¼" copper, driven through the keel and riveted.





Cant Hawses

Tenoned into the deadwood and fastened with 6 iron bolts, 1" or 11/8" in diameter, driven blunt.



White Oak, Sided at the bowsprit. Fastened to stern with 11/8" to 1 ¼ iron bolts, 18" apart.


Knight Heads

Moulded to receive bulwarks, they reach down to the forward cleat.  Bolted with 11/8" or 1¼" iron, 20" to 24" apart, driven where possible clear through both knightheads and riveted


Hawse Pieces

4 in number each side; Moulded as the frame; sided 12"; fastened to knightheads and each other, with 1" to 11/8" iron bolts 2' apart.


Inner Stern Post

Sided same as post.  Moulded at head and foot, bolted with 1¼" bolts, 20" apart.

20", 16"

Stern Post Knee

Sided same as keel.


Length of body and arm.


14', 8'

Moulded in the throat.


3' 6"

Number of copper and iron bolts through heal and post.



Stern Timbers

Two at side of post sided.



Moulded at knuckle, ten inches, fastened to post with 11/8" bolts, which go through where convenient and are riveted.



Other et. timbers sided 10", Bolted to the cant frames and inner stern post with 11/8" iron.


Square [Sterns]

Wing transom, oak, sided and Moulded fastened to post with 4 iron 1 ¼ inch bolts on top of the wing transom is bolted a timber 8Ó x 24Ó, to receive the ends of the stern and counter timbers.

Other transoms, sided 10Ó, Moulded 12Õ, spaced 14Ó from center to center, and fastened to post with two 1 /8" bolts.

16Ó x 15Ó







Fashion Timber

In square stems, sided 8Ó, and fastened to all the transoms with two 1Ó bolts.



Side counter timbers, made of a knee, whose body is bolted to the wing transom with 8 or 10, 1¼Ó bolts.



Stern timbers, sided 8Ó, and spaced 18Ó. A counter timber between every two stern timbers  bolted to wing transom.


Main Keelson

Pitch line?


Compound of no. of tiers.



Sided, and Moulded whole height.


15", 45"


The lower tier fastened to every other floor with 11/8" copper bolts, bolts going through both depths of keel and riveted.



Second tier, fastened about 6' apart wit 1¼ and 13/8" iron bolts driven to within 2" of lower edge of upper tier of keel.



Third tier, 1¼ and 13/8" iron bolts, driven through the navel timber.



Scarfs, generally 8' waged and keyed.


Sister Keelsons



No. of tiers



Sides, and whole Moulded height


14" x 30"


11/8 and 1¼' bolts through every futtock. Horizontal bolts of the same size, driven 4 to 4½ feet apart, clear through, riveted.


Bilge Keelson



No. of tiers








12" to 10"

Length of scarfs


4½' to 5' and 6'


of floor, pitch pine. Fastened with treenails and spikes.


Width & thickness


12" x 4½"


Bilge strakes, from bilge keelson to deck clamp, generally double.





Thickness of lower and upper pieces.


4" & 8"


All of the bilge strakes are fastened edgewise with 11/8 bolts every second frame. Square fastened with 4 bolts in each frame, riveted, half in half out


Hooks and Pointers

All of white oak, sided 10" and 12"


Lower Deck Clamps

Pitch pine.  Bolted edgeways to the next strake below, every second frame, with 11/8 iron, Square bolted to the frame, with 11/8 iron.

12" x 12"

Width and thickness.


12" x 12"


Pitch pine.  Beams are let into, and bolted to, the clamp with 4 bolts.


Hanging Knees

White oak.  Twenty bolts through each one, being 11/8 " through the body, and 1" in the arms.


   Length of body


6' to 6½'


Length of arm 4½ to 5 feet The foot of the knee rests on a strake 15 x 7 inches, bolted on.




11" to 12"

   Thickness in the throat.


20" to 26"

Lodging Knees

Oak.  Arms 3 ½ to 4 feet in length.  Sided 7 to 8 inches.  Moulded in the throat, 26, 28 and 30 inches, 8 bolts in beams.


Lower Deck Ledges


10" x 6"


Pitch pine.

10" x 7"


Lies flat on beam ends. One 11/8 " bolt through each [??] timber, half riveted in, half out.  Two bolts of same through beam into clamp.


   Depth and width


14Ó x 15Ó

Binding strake

On the Beam next the waterway.  Two bolts through the beam, one riveted on hanging knee.  Bolt through w.w. and each alternate timber.


   Width and thickness


12" x 10"

Deck plank

3½ inches thick, 6 inches wide, two spikes in every beam.  Yellow pine.


Thick strakes

In middle of deck for stanchions.  Pitch pine. One in number.

14" x 5"

Standing Strakes

on top of the waterways two in number; [a-coupled] 4', and square bolted.

20" x 10"

Filling in Strakes

to deck clamps, pitch pine


Main, or Middle Deck




Square fastened to the timbers and bolted edgewise with 3 bolts.

14" x 10"


Pitch pine, fastened to the timbers with 4 bolts



15 inches, Moulded [outer tends]


Hanging Knees

White oak. Eighteen bolts, 1 and 1¼ inch through each one.  Sided 10 to 11 inches, 22 to 24 inches in the throat.


Lodging Knees

Oak.  Arms 4½ to 5 feet long.  Sided 10 to 11 inches.  Moulded 28 in the throat.  Bolt nearest arm and goes through both & is riveted.



Pitch pine.

10" x 8"

Main Deck




let into lodging knees

9" x 6"


Pitch pine. One 1¼ bolt through every frame timber, half riveted out and half in.  Two 11/8 bolts into the beam into the clamp.

15Ó x 14Ó

Binding Strake

Pitch pine. Two bolts 1 1/8", into the beam, one going through & riveted on hanging knee.  Bolt through w.w. & each alternate timber.

12" x 10"

Thick Strakes

in middle of deck

14" x 5"

Deck Plank

Pitch pine and yellow pine. Two spikes into each beam, one in the ledges

7" x 3½"

Standing Strakes

Two in no. Scarfs 3½ to 5 feet.  Edge bolted; square bolted with 1¼ iron.

18" x 10"

Filling in Strakes

Edge bolted with 11/8 inch iron, and square bolted

14" x 8"

Upper Deck





14 x 10


Pitch pine.  Sided 15 and 16 inches. Four bolts 11/8 & 1¼ wide into beams.



Hackmatack.  Resting on standing shakes.  Arms 4½ feet.  15 or 16 bolts 11/8 and 1 ¼ inch through each knee.




10Ó to 12Ó

   Moulded in throat


Lodging Knees

Hackmatack and oak. Arms 3 ½ to 4 ft. Sided 7 inches.



Pitch pine.

8" & 10" x 6"



9" x 6"


Pitch pine. 11/8 bolt into every timber, two through beams

12" x 15"

Binding Strake

Fastened as normal.

10" x 8"

Deck Plank

Yellow pine.  Two spikes into beam.

6" x 3½"

Hatch comings

White oak.


Mast Partners



Main & Foremast


14" x 15"


secured with 6 inch lodging knees, Moulded 8 and 10 inches in throat

14" x 15"

Plank Sheer

Fastened through each stanchion with a 1" bolt: also to waterway & planking.  Layed inclined, to round of beam.

15" x 6"

Ceiling above plank sheer




In hold and between decks

At the foot, hold stanchions are fastened with straps which reach if possible to second tier of keelson, bolts riveted at both ends.  Straps from fore & aft side of stanchions, at head, [??] over beam to stanchions above, with 2 bolts through each stanchion and 3 through beam.  Same on every deck except at upper deck.  The strap goes over the beam and comes down on the stanchion again.

7Ó x 22Ó

Spar Deck, or Quarter Deck



Beams no.



Hanging Knees

Hack.  Sided 7", Moulded 19' in throat, every 6 and 4½ ft


Covering Board

Deck plank 6 x 3 white pine

7Ó x 20Ó

Monkey rail

Its top 3 1/2 ft above main rail

12" x 5"


All of pitch pine



Bolted through keel into opposite garboard with 11/8 iron bolts, 5 feet apart.  Through every 3rd frame into sister keelson with 1 ¼ c + s'.

14" x 7"

Thick Strake

Next to garboard.  Bolts edgewise every 5 feet into garboard with 11/8 iron, and into frames with 11/8 copper and iron.


Bottom Plank

Out to bilge. Fastened with equal locust treenails, 1¼, and but bolts of 1" copper.

14" x 4½"

Bilge strakes

equal treenailed, locust 1¼", a copper bolt in every 4th timber

12" x 8"







   Width and thickness


7" x 5½"

Plank from Wales down to Bilge strakes

Tapers in thickness and in width from 8 to 12 inches.


Plank from Wales to H.S.

All the planking is double, or square treenailed, when over 8 inched in width, double and single where under; butt bolts of copper.  All flashing tapers toward the rabbits.


Bulwark plank


5" & 6" x 4"







Length of deck



Length on the Load Water Line



Breadth, Moulded



Breadth, Extreme



Depth from base line to Plank Sheer



Draught for Calculation



Total Displacement



D per Inch

at depth for calculation


D at 25 feet



D at 20 feet



Area of Load Line, Moulded



Area of [?], Moulded



Coefficient of D



Coefficient of load line



Coefficient of [?]












Number of Decks








40 2/3


